Business Bites

Short, bite-sized content at your fingertips.


Share your knowledge and learn something new with our Business Bites videos. Browse through the videos below to discover something new today.

6 tips to improve your time management and productivity with Jo Pilon

Jo is the co-founder of Expand Careers Consulting and shares her best practice tips to help you and your team make the most of your work day.

Staying positive in the workplace with Renee Williams

Renee from The Real Florist takes us through how important it is to incorporate elements of the natural world (like fresh flowers!) into our workspaces and homes to maintain a positive and productive environment.

The OARBED mindset with Celeste Peirce

Celeste from Business Edge Accountants takes us through a behaviour based mindset for above-the-line thinking to grow your business and empower your team through ownership, accountability and responsibility.

Upskilling with Ayesha Umar

Career development consultant, Ayesha Umar, discusses the who, what, when, where and how to upskill.

Proactive sustainability with Nick Fitzsimons

Fitzsimons And Co helps businesses be proactive in their approach to sustainability, helping businesses be as sustainable as they can be with the resources they have available.

Interested in filming your own Business Bites video?

Business Bites gives our members a platform to share their skills and knowledge with the wider community. Creating Business Bites content is exclusive to members, but with a wide reach featured on our YouTube channel, social media and website.

Being part of a Business Bites video is just one of the many benefits of being an Albury Business Connect member.

Contact us to organise your video.