Inspired by the need to find a more sustainable way to complete her uni studies, BRIE Corporate’s trainee Molly Tresize stumbled upon the remarkable tablet. Molly completed a feasibility study on paper usage and the costs involved in converting to the remarkable compared to other devices.
“Back in 2020, I started a bachelor’s degree in creative writing. I love writing by hand, yet it comes with its drawback such as paper waste and the physical storage requirements. It’s much easier to have all digital notes conveniently complied on one device. Yet, a laptop or tablet or iPad didn’t have satisfy the need I had for wanting to hand write. I wanted a digital device I could hand write my notes on and upload those notes to my computer for later use. I stumbled upon the remarkable in my research to find such a product and have been wholly satisfied with it ever since.”
– Molly Tresize
We spoke to Rebecca O’Brien, Founder and Creative Director at BRIE Corporate to get the inside scoop.
ABC: Why did you decide to go paperless and why this product? (We’re pretty sure many people aren’t aware of what a Remarkable is.)
RO: Paper contributes to the growing waste impact and struggle for environmental sustainability. Using all digital files eliminates waste and decreases the need for mass production of paper. The hardware and software of the reMarkable tablet allow for customisable and flexible use of digital files. The tablet has been designed to be small, lightweight and to feel as though the user is writing on a piece of paper, not the glass screen of computer or tablet. It has a built-in cloud system for the ease of data sharing. Files can be uploaded and exported from the device as needed via Wi-Fi and a companion desktop and mobile app.
I chose this product because it was designed for a very specific purpose, to be a digital note pad. I didn’t want another computer. I wanted a notebook that I could sync to computer. The reMarkable is exactly that.
ABC: What did your implementation process look like? Were there any unforeseen obstacles you had to overcome?
RO: When beginning to implement the paperless system at BRIE Corporate, we started simple by slowly integrating the use of the remarkable tablet into our daily work tasks. This allowed us to trouble shoot as we went and find the best way for us to use the device. We use the device to organise our production process.
Our customer orders are compiled into PDF and imported onto the device where we can hand write notes on the orders as we go down the line of the production process. This used to be done with printed orders as our record. Now, all files we would need to print for use in our daily tasks are converted to PDF and imported to the remarkable. It is used in our production process, during client consultations and fittings and for administrative tasks. The device has a Google Drive integration which has improved the process of uploading and exporting files.
ABC: What benefits have you already seen as a result of the implementation?
RO: After the transition period, our staff are more comfortable and skilled in using the device. There is a learning curve from implementing a new system and process to the workplace, yet the device itself is incredibly easy to use. Our processes are more organised as our files are all in one convenient place, as opposed to spread across multiple filing systems.
Our staff have a centralised point of data communication which has decreased confusion, misinformation, and production mistakes. Overall, it has helped us to become a more organised workplace.
Our paper use has significantly decreased, and we are making progress in our effort to minimise our waste impact as a small business.